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Remembering Solo
Solo has been limping on and off for a little over a year now from what we thought was Arthritis in his left hind leg. X-Rays had come back clear in December of 2022
A few days before Christmas 2023, Solo gave us a clear sign he was in pain when he laid down in front of his food bowl and refused to eat. This dog LOVES his food so we assumed he was hurting too much to stand and eat. Adjustments were made and he still wouldn't eat so off to the vet we went. On December 27th we found out through bloodwork and x-rays that Solo has a tumor growing on his knee muscle. After two weeks of anti-inflammatories and pain meds he is attempting to put weigth on it and is seemingly happy and healthy in all other aspects.
Due to the tumors location there are the added risks of hemorrhaging among other things so it has been suggested that whatever procedures take place be performed at the AVC
Solo was meant to have a biopsy done on March 18th but was put on a cancellation list just incase something came up any earlier.
On January 31st, 2024 Our sweet Solo was able to get in with a vet at the AVC and we were shocked when we were given the sad news.
Our sweet boy has multiple tumors some of which are on the chest wall affecting his lungs are all believed to be cancerous.
We have decided against surgery due to his age and the severity of the situation and will make him as comfortale as we can at home until he tells us he is ready to go.
We want to thank everyone at the AVC for all they have done for Solo as well as our entire community for rallying around him during this difficult time.
- Sara Brehaut & Calum Smith
On February 15th 2024 we reached out to Solo's pawrents and asked their permission to do something we felt called to do to honour this sweet boy while he's still with us until long after his time is up and they graciously accepted our offer.
We'd like to introduce you to our Remembering Solo page. Here you will find Solo's story as well as being able to purchase his customized Dog Leash with the proceeds going to Sara & Calum for Solo's current care and to use the funds long after he's gone as they wish.
Thank you all so much for your constant love and support!!
- Majestic Meadows
Remembering Solo
Croixfeu Hemlocks Winter Solstice
(December 20th, 2014 - March 20th, 2024)
On March 11th, 2024 we were fortunate enough to meet Solo and his wonderful pawrents.
We could have never imagined that just 9 short days later that this sweet boy would be laid to rest. He has made such an impact in our lives and he will be greatly missed by everyone who loved him.
We will continue to be a support to Sara and Calum during this difficult time.
Any and all proceeds raised from The "Remembering Solo" 6ft Dog Leash will go to Solo's pawrents in his loving memory.
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